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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Suidobashi KR01 Battle Mech

The electronics Japanese company Suidobashi Heavy Industry presented at the Wonder Festival 2012 the first bordable battle mech. The KR01 Kuratas Battle Mech is machine for fun and not defense purpose. It carries a dummy Gatling guns, dummy launchers, iron claws and a few more dummy weapons. It is operated either remotely by a smartphone or by a human pilot inside the cockpit. The machine is $1.2 million diesel-powered, four meters tall, 4.5 tonnes and it can achieve speed up to 10 km/h.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Russian Nudelman PAPV

The Portable Laser Countermeasure System manufactured (PAPV) by Russian Nudelman company is a portable 56 Kg system capable of supress optical means in any platform like firearms, tanks and helicopters.
The system transmits a low power energy to locate threats. Once located the threats will receive a high power laser to blind it. The operational range is from 300 meters to 1.5 kilometers.


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Northrop Grumman LEMV

The U.S. Army signed the development of an football-sized airship for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) with Northrop Grumman and Hybrid Air Vehicles. It will take off like an airplane and once it is airborne it will float with helium. The operational cost is expected to be much lower than the fixed wings UAVs.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Japan Quanser Qball-X4 UAV

Japanese Ministry of Self-Defense presented the first rounded UAV at Digital Content Expo 2011. The Quanser QBall-X4 is capable of flying up to 60 km/h indoor and outdoor. Its concept is a quadrotor helicopter with a spherical carbon structure and eight control surfaces. The design also provides hovering, vertical take-off and landing, touching obstacles while flying and ground mobility.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Brazil / US Laser Propulsion

Institudo de Estudos Avançados (IEAv) from Brazilian Air Force and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) from New York are developing a new laser propulsion system that will provide energy from ground structures to the rear of the spacecraft during the flight in the Earth atmosphere. It will increase the payload fraction from 5% to 50% and it will reduce the polution. The first launch is planned at latest for 2025.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Wisconsin/Wasau Bulletproof Tire

An airless bulletproof tire for vehicle is being developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Wausau company. This new solution is desirable for military ground vehicles because of the absence of collateral damage to nearby troops due to tire shot out. It also provides better noisy signature and heat levels.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

"War Defence" Weaponry Against Robots

The millionaire Ben Way launched the War Defence company dedicated to develop weaponry against robotic entities. There are some different researches like anti-electrics microwave, viruses and combination of noise and magnetic field detectors.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

US Small Unit Space Transport and Insertion

Elite Squad any place of Earth within 2 hours. The Small Unit Space Transport and Insertion (SUSTAIN) is a transport spacecraft for a dozen of U.S. Marine Corps. In the first stage it is carried by a large aircraft like B-52 to high altitude then the second stage is to fly up to Mach 7 powered by its own scramjet engines.

Monday, June 25, 2012

BAE Adaptiv infrared camouflage

BAE Systems Adaptiv infrared camouflage technology may be used for a wide variety of platforms since battle-tanks to helicopters and vessels. It uses hexagonal panels to compose a rapidly heated and cooled panel to match the temperature of the surroundings or one of the objects in the library such as a car. It intends to be a countermeasure to infrared missiles and a camouflage against infrared sensors.

Monday, June 18, 2012

GD/Austal Littoral Combat Ship

The General Dynamics and Astaul have an operational solution for asymmetric threats at coastal waters like piracy, mines, quiet diesel submarines and terrorists in small boats. The shallow draft vessel is networked, high speed and highly maneuverable. Its deck has capability of supporting helicopter and UAV operations.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

China SC-19 Anti-Satellite Missile

The SC-19 missile is an anti-satellite weapon with history of sucess in real firing test against a deactivated chinese satellite. This program is also intended to be applied as strategic missile.
"Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao stated, 'There's no need to feel threatened about this' and argued that 'China will not participate in any kind of arms race in outer space.' Ironically, China had been long advocating to ban space weapons, which had been rejected by the United States under George W. Bush."

Friday, June 15, 2012

Iran Stealth Aircraft Detection Systems

In 2010 Iran claimed to master the technique to detect stealth aircraft with fully operational mass-produced systems. This technology is a result of the Saddam Hussein's Iraq threat. The land-based and the sea-based systems are capable of combining different range radars to detect stealth aircraft at many altitude levels.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

DRTA Robotic Underground Munition

In 2010 the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DRTA) sent a Request For Information of an anti-bunker underground smart weapon named Robotic Underground Munition (RUM). Its main requirements are to be unmanned, air-delivered and with on-board sensors and intelligence to avoid obstacles.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Israel Rafael/Elta Trophy Active Protection System

The Active Protections System is a concept from the 80s. This kind of system detects and tracks an incoming ammunition like missile or shell. If the computed trajetory indicates a real threat then the system will deploy kinect countermeasure. All the process shall be really quick over a moving platform so the sensors, actuators shall have tight requirements.
The israeli version developed by Rafael and Elta is remarkable because of its capability of countering short range firing of RPG and because of its low risk of collateral damage to the nearby troop. And the Trophy Light will be employed not only for heavy but also for medium and light vehicles.

Russian Roscosmos Nuclear Engine for Spacecraft

Russia will finish by 2018 a nuclear engine to manned spaceship for long range space exploration like Mars. Initially the basic concept was to generate thrust from the blast of external nuclear explosions that would push a damped bottom plate of the spacecraft. But newer designs plan to employ the Inertial Confinement Fusion technology.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Boeing X-45 Joint Unmanned Combat Aerial System

The F-22 were the last manned U.S. fighters. The Boeing X-45 Joint Unmanned Combat Aerial System (J-UCAS) series are a family of concept demonstrators for the next generation of stealthy jet fighters for high-risk missions like air supremacy and ground support. It is a new system "specifically designed for combat operations in the network-centric environment of the 21st century".

China DF-21D Anti Aircraft Carrier Ballistic Missile

China has since 2009 an operational anti-ship ballistic missile designed to destroy an aircraft-carrier in one hit. The "carrier-killer" is a two-stage hypersonic weapon that combines maneuverable reentry vehicles with terminal guidance. The target could be a moving aircraft carrier up to 2,700 kilometers away and the warhead may be many types including nuclear bomb.
For now the U.S. Navy has no defense against such weapon so the power balance over the Pacific is shifted in favor of China. This is an important card in the world scenario like Taiwan and Korea.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Elbit/Rockwell Helmet Mounted Display for F-35

The Helmet Mounted Display was first used in combat by the South Africans and since then it was used in many other aerial systems. However the F-35 stealthy fighter is the first modern jet aircraft to rely only on the Elbit/Rockwell HMD excluding the Head-Up Display.
This latest situational awareness solution integrates flight data, 360º night vision and target designator giving the impression to see through the aircraft structure. So no longer it is necessary to maneuver the aircraft to understand the battlefield or even to shoot any target.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Harvard Bee Robot Mass Production

The Harvard Robobee team has patented a mass production manufacturing process of micro aerial vehicle with insect-like form and size. Until now the manufacturing was artisanal but now this inspired from pop-up books new process allows fast production with incredible tolerance.
The next step is to develop the collective behaviour and intelligence of bee colony.
The applications will be from flower pollination to military surveillance.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

AHW Global Strike

The Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW) is capable to hit any place of the Earth in less than an hour. This hypersonic glider is unmanned, maneuverable and capable of carrying many types of payloads including nuclear missiles and bunker busters.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Griphon Winged Suit

The Gryphon Winged Suit is a new alternative for aerial deployed troops. Instead of using the regular military parachute the advantages of this 6-foot wing glider are:
  • higher range (5:1 glide ratio);
  • even higher range if jet engine is installed;
  • lesser exposure due to stealth fuselage;
  • guidance system for pin point landing.

Lockheed Martin HULC Exoskeleton

The exoskeleton will be a reality in the combat field within a few years. The Lockheed Martin's HULC exoskeleton is an example of such technology that will be useful to improve the soldier's performance.

Hummingbird Spy Robot

The new surveillance concept will be completely different with Micro Aerial Vehicles associated with bugs or birds flight. The DARPA's Hummingbird spy robot could be flying a few steps away unnoticed transmitting audio and video.


Boston Dynamics Robot Dog

Endurance is a critical component for any mission. What if we could just leave all the equipment to someone else carry it? Well, or maybe somewhat else! The Boston Dynamics Big Dog is an all terrain solution to relief the soldier's burden.

Dragon Fly Spy Robot

The Delfly II spy robot is one of many attempts to develop Micro Aerial Vehicles for surveillance mission. The bug cover is appropriated for urban environment and could also be suitable for civilian targets. The third version will be one third sized and it will also be capable of transmitting video.

Boeing YAL-1 Anti-Missile Laser Shield

The laser is now used as missile shield in the Boeing YAL-1 Airborne Laser. It is used to destroy ballistic missiles in the boost phase but in theory it may also be used against aircraft and satellites.

SWORDS Armed Drones

The SWORDS armed drones are already under field tests with rifle assaults, mortars and rocket launchers. The weapons are not autonomous but the platforms include optical, night and thermal sensors to aim and hit a running soldier one mile away.